Project lines
In a theatre, the consolidated rule for (non-stage) lighting is to be able to continuously and gradually adjust the intensity of the lighting fixtures before total shutdown during the show. This flexibility, as well as giving viewers time to sit down to watch the film, gradually accustoms their eyes to the dimmed light of the projection and, ultimately, leads them to better appreciate the projection itself. The lighting project for the theater room and the entrance foyer for the Lab80 involves the use of 230V tracks with DALI dimmable projectors of various powers. The location of the tracks in the main hall is predominantly along the long walls. Attention due to the limitation of direct glare. Along the side escape routes, step markers were designed to be set in the sound-absorbing panel, while along the central one they were positioned on the risers of the steps. The powers of these steplights must be kept low as they remain the only light sources turned on during the projection/representation, and must not annoy the performer or reflect on the screen.The entrance/ticket office area, embellished with vertical pilasters, is illuminated by projectors positioned on ceiling-mounted electrified tracks placed on the plasterboard lowering and oriented zenithally. Lighting that welcomes you inside the structure thanks to plays of light and shadow on the walls.The corridor leading to the theater room is served by a permeable lowering which allows several lines of tracks to be suspended and projectors also positioned zenithally oriented.This technical choice accompanies and prepares the theater user for a luminous adaptation in view of the show which will take place with only the stage lights (not studied in this project).